Thursday, August 22, 2013

Rafting down the Truckee

In Tahoe we thought it would be fun to get in the Truckee.  Anna and I both rafted a bunch in our prior lives, so we thought we'd show them some very light white water.  It's a start!

First, we get a boat.

Then we are off!

Olin is not quite sure what to make of it

But Daddy and Mommy are having fun.

Max tries to stick his gum on the famous super-gross "gum bridge", really a pipe over the river designed to make adults duck and kids laugh

And it gets more and more fun

We meet up with friends mid-river, let the kids out for some squirting

And after the finale, some light Class 1 rapids, we are safe at the dock!

During the rapids, Olin was not happy at all, but ever since, has been asking to do it again.  I think we will.

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