Sunday, July 31, 2011

Max's first lost tooth!

And perhaps the last of his friends, Max finally loses his first tooth!

It has only been loose for a day, but here it is:

Today's going rate? Two bucks. And that's on the cheap side!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

The 4th Olin Soccer Party Trophy Bonanza

And it begins with the cake construction. Olin places every figure (well he lets Max help too)...

Olin keeps staring at the cake in the hours leading up to the party...

And then it begins! Coach Tim gathers the kids for the soccer play...

And finally: cake time.

And every friend gets a trophy!

Nothing lasts forever

Max, Olin and I were just talking.

Max: Daddy, does anything last forever?
Me: Yes.
Max: NO, DADDY. Not like words and love. I mean THINGS.


Olin: Daddy how did the artist make this house?
Olin asks that about everything. The main "creator" is "the artist."

Now they are arguing about God (Max goes to a Catholic school) and the Artist (Olin's mind).

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Our Olin turns 4...

A bit of an overdue post (forgive the back-dating), but here are some pictures from Olin's birthday. As you can see, he finally has a bike (and a couple of Giants shirts!)...

The day before he told Anna that he was about to turn special. Then he started counting, 1, 2, 3, special, 5, 6... and burst out laughing.

So he turns special, and he wakes up to a bike:

And a present or two...

Dressed for camp

And back from camp for more...

And then... waiting for the party!